Monday, July 16, 2012

Seattle Mariners Jerseys the intensive bullets jet to the anger of the soldiers

Shot of the command.
Undoubtedly, heavy machine guns undoubtedly a nightmare for the offensive side, the intensive bullets jet to the anger of the soldiers, just like the kiss of death, Hunan rows of fall.
As a New Army Marshal Li Guoyong, of course, know the Boer War the British Forty-eight soldiers rely on the four marks Qin machine guns to repel a violent attack of the 5000 Ming Zulu people and Zulu people supposed 3000 the story of the corpse is just nonsense, but World War I Battle of the Somme, Maxim heavy machine guns to the British day casualties of nearly 6 million things, but it is real, so Li Guoyong special attention to the use of heavy machine guns.
The attention of his machine gun, the new army tasted the sweetness of the the the Seosan Peak, He Zhaobing command of two heavy machine guns, Hunan dropped a 300 body, panic retreat.
Chang Chih-tung arrived, he only saw the dead bodies all over the mountain and dejected Dober Zhang Zhidong down and not blame how love will, on the contrary, allocated to the the Dober Chapter 5000 soldiers, let him be sure to capture before dark Seosan.
Renewed look of Dober chapter, relying on 5000 new force gave him the clout, barking again Seosan launched a second attack. Tseng Kuo-fan's Hunan left background, Zhang Zhidong, the tune is still very combative The war broke out is not like other Green Standard soldiers so afraid to die,Seattle Mariners Jerseys, all Duanzhuo Qiang, braving the the Peak powerful firepower.
Sometimes war this is a contest of will and spirit,Blue Jays Jerseys, Hit the evening, the guard of three even in Seosan breath repulsed the enemy of five Emergency Hunan small Rui mountains dropped to less than 1500 dead, three injured almost a third of the soldiers .
It was getting dark down, the fighting stopped briefly.
He Zhaobing tired to sit down at the mud on the ground, lit a pipe down, deep suck mouth too cruel, the battle is too cruel, a row of thirty-five brothers, half a day of fierce fighting, the rest of the nineteen some recently and they talked and laughed brother, is now forever closed his eyes.
A wounded soldier struggling to be moved He Zhaobing front: He Zhaobing sucked on her cigarette, swing veteran lesson he said: of Mr. Yang Duyang, said he is the reincarnation of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang, for Shangzhi five hundred years, under the known five hundred years; we are so dead, glorious, Marshal and Mr. Yang did not know it? to our family to send Zhang big red list, although we are dead, can the wife and kids in this life do not have to worry about eating to worry about wear, your kid is also concerned that Han! The wounded soldiers excited authentic: He Zhaobing put out a cigarette, lovingly touched his head: Always act in a calm, case

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