Sunday, July 29, 2012

nba finals jersey a blue shirt and a black tie to him

A high-level white-collar workers, the two come together not just as a pair of siblings to take to the streets?
The two stroll through those stores, you came to the business district is the most luxurious shopping mall buildings - Jean Yu-commercial.
Things here are really not expensive in general, clothes at every turn is thousands of federal currency, not to mention the blinding light shining gemstone jewelry. Here to visit most of the non-rich that is your VIPs, The men all of them are wearing suits, such as Yang Guang, one does not know what brand of casual wear, few people really see.
Of course, Yang Guang is for this reason will know what to shrink feet, Guixingjubu's eyes turn a blind eye, he is still the same investment over those salesperson or the lady of the shopping mall Hawker or surprise or contempt and Ninghai Qin laughing randomly selected clothes now and Ninghai Qin also considered the more familiar the two men, then some, do not want the original is always silent on.
Evidently Ninghai Qin is to buy clothes, only a few to help Yang Guang selection to a fit of the suit, Yang a look at the price of twelve thousand federal currency ............ Ninghai Qin insisted he try, Young light fail to beat she went to the locker room put on, of course, to wear a suit inside his shirt, put on shoes and put on a tie. so the Ning Haiqin chose a pair of white shoes, a blue shirt and a black tie to him,north face hedgehog gtx, Yang After changing clothes out, where the beautiful female salesperson and Ninghai Qin gaping at him.
Is it! Yang Guang a first line, covered from top to bottom that comes out of a refined gentle temperament, his smile is still brilliant, but not previously cute or silly, a show of hands ,nba finals jersey, a move she makes, exactly like a World War II when the command if given, strategizing laughing, NORTH PEAK enemy ashes.
The Ninghai Qin Fortunately, long known that Yang Guang Feichizhongwu hearts with emotion just really is not the wrong person. Beautiful female salesperson may not so easy, this a great deal of heart gap is simply to let their heart stopped beating.
Is not to say Yang Guang before the ugly mess, his handsome sun look like they are the same look in the eyes, but after the facelift come out now, then refined wind liu temperament and just different person, unless they know there is no back door in the locker room, be sure The suspect was perpetrating a fraud.
Two compared to people who want them to be a metaphor, that dress in front of Yang Guang is like the sun of a neighbor's boy, and his brother along; Yang Guang look at them one can dress up they are red in the face, the heart beats faster but slower.
Their present situation is, everyone's eyes have become a careful heart.
Yang Guang hard cough twice, we got it back, the female salesperson embarrassing continue to busy with their eyes from time to time to the side to peek. Ninghai Qin two laps around him, constantly nodding. mouth murmured, saying something, and then the salesperson excited and said: Yang Guang frown and said: Yang Guang Tao:

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