Sunday, July 29, 2012

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A high-level white-collar workers, the two come together not just as a pair of siblings to take to the streets?
The two stroll through those stores, you came to the business district is the most luxurious shopping mall buildings - Jean Yu-commercial.
Things here are really not expensive in general, clothes at every turn is thousands of federal currency, not to mention the blinding light shining gemstone jewelry. Here to visit most of the non-rich that is your VIPs, The men all of them are wearing suits, such as Yang Guang, one does not know what brand of casual wear, few people really see.
Of course, Yang Guang is for this reason will know what to shrink feet, Guixingjubu's eyes turn a blind eye, he is still the same investment over those salesperson or the lady of the shopping mall Hawker or surprise or contempt and Ninghai Qin laughing randomly selected clothes now and Ninghai Qin also considered the more familiar the two men, then some, do not want the original is always silent on.
Evidently Ninghai Qin is to buy clothes, only a few to help Yang Guang selection to a fit of the suit, Yang a look at the price of twelve thousand federal currency ............ Ninghai Qin insisted he try, Young light fail to beat she went to the locker room put on, of course, to wear a suit inside his shirt, put on shoes and put on a tie. so the Ning Haiqin chose a pair of white shoes, a blue shirt and a black tie to him,north face hedgehog gtx, Yang After changing clothes out, where the beautiful female salesperson and Ninghai Qin gaping at him.
Is it! Yang Guang a first line, covered from top to bottom that comes out of a refined gentle temperament, his smile is still brilliant, but not previously cute or silly, a show of hands ,nba finals jersey, a move she makes, exactly like a World War II when the command if given, strategizing laughing, NORTH PEAK enemy ashes.
The Ninghai Qin Fortunately, long known that Yang Guang Feichizhongwu hearts with emotion just really is not the wrong person. Beautiful female salesperson may not so easy, this a great deal of heart gap is simply to let their heart stopped beating.
Is not to say Yang Guang before the ugly mess, his handsome sun look like they are the same look in the eyes, but after the facelift come out now, then refined wind liu temperament and just different person, unless they know there is no back door in the locker room, be sure The suspect was perpetrating a fraud.
Two compared to people who want them to be a metaphor, that dress in front of Yang Guang is like the sun of a neighbor's boy, and his brother along; Yang Guang look at them one can dress up they are red in the face, the heart beats faster but slower.
Their present situation is, everyone's eyes have become a careful heart.
Yang Guang hard cough twice, we got it back, the female salesperson embarrassing continue to busy with their eyes from time to time to the side to peek. Ninghai Qin two laps around him, constantly nodding. mouth murmured, saying something, and then the salesperson excited and said: Yang Guang frown and said: Yang Guang Tao:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Have any comments, we next in the deliberations of the meeting today here first! Closing of a meeting nfl in a monologue, no matter what the discussion always correctly explain from the side, a positive stake, analysis clearly and logically, Yang Xiaohu now to became a record from start to finish did not point to remind Truong words with Wu months but unfortunately, quietly listening, but the nfl look out of their mind was not in the listening to their own speech, but fortunately this times nfl did not ready to talk about something important, basically summing up the past Long development.
nfl just got up, Wu Xi called this the nfl.
did not go to my home, you can hardly ask you a few times tonight, go together! See any male nodded with Truong words are not postponed to nfl did not answer, Wu, Xi looked at said: play ah. Long day's office is naturally replaced nfl, although the side has changed, but the nfl did not feel any different than the office many luxurious atmosphere,oakley flak jacket sunglasses, president of the executive indoors, Yang Xiaohu with Li Xiaoguo stand in front of the desk.
Listening to the words of Yang Xiaohu, nfl smile voice, said: Li Xiaoguo do not think so, some serious and said: can no longer be as reckless as before, and in order, Yang Xiaohu, but smiled and patted Li Xiaoguo shoulder and said: period of time, you do not understand it, and always bound by rigid, I want a few days the little dragon wanted to on foot, but the dragon very few words,oakley oil rig sunglasses, I want to remind you, your identity on behalf of the dragon, you can in front of us want to do, but in the occasion of the public must do this you must take your father to learn is the against the wrong place, the first reminder.
nfl sound smile, nodded his head, stood up, went to the front of portrait of his grandfather, and deeply looked glances but my mind was constantly complaining. This position, Tubes thing, but can not, call me your grandson

Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Hall, to meet me is a Crossroads, I need to select one of the two roads. Roughly cents orientation of feeling before, I still continue to choose the path of the left, eight twist in that way for seven New York, I once again to to a corridor. different from before that simple corridor on each side of this corridor have a lot of room.
As for the outer ring, one hundred and eight is a relatively small room.
Has a very large room with thirty-six stately door compared to their ordinary door style, and an appearance on a gorgeous rating lower than one level. This strong contrast to I thought of a term that is the aristocracy.
Start from the slave society, the nobility has produced the most privileged class in a society, they always have a lot of the servant of two types of room contrast of this difference, I thought these two types of people.
The large room, the residence of the aristocracy, a small room is the servant of the habitat. Each room is equipped with three small rooms, a clear dividing line between the three small room seems that confirms my guess even, each small room is not a servant living in the ancient days,nba shirts, as servants of this class has its own separate room, it is extremely rare, especially in this clearly belongs to the office the nature of building .
The next moment a little thought, I chose from I recently in the little room. The substance of the is much too long and the door shaft completely corrosion come to the end of its life, crashing into a powder.
Crisis at this time!
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Ten million real of the energy shells abruptly disengaged from the inside.
Unable to vent their energy shells and the explosion, but only a small

Monday, July 16, 2012

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Shot of the command.
Undoubtedly, heavy machine guns undoubtedly a nightmare for the offensive side, the intensive bullets jet to the anger of the soldiers, just like the kiss of death, Hunan rows of fall.
As a New Army Marshal Li Guoyong, of course, know the Boer War the British Forty-eight soldiers rely on the four marks Qin machine guns to repel a violent attack of the 5000 Ming Zulu people and Zulu people supposed 3000 the story of the corpse is just nonsense, but World War I Battle of the Somme, Maxim heavy machine guns to the British day casualties of nearly 6 million things, but it is real, so Li Guoyong special attention to the use of heavy machine guns.
The attention of his machine gun, the new army tasted the sweetness of the the the Seosan Peak, He Zhaobing command of two heavy machine guns, Hunan dropped a 300 body, panic retreat.
Chang Chih-tung arrived, he only saw the dead bodies all over the mountain and dejected Dober Zhang Zhidong down and not blame how love will, on the contrary, allocated to the the Dober Chapter 5000 soldiers, let him be sure to capture before dark Seosan.
Renewed look of Dober chapter, relying on 5000 new force gave him the clout, barking again Seosan launched a second attack. Tseng Kuo-fan's Hunan left background, Zhang Zhidong, the tune is still very combative The war broke out is not like other Green Standard soldiers so afraid to die,Seattle Mariners Jerseys, all Duanzhuo Qiang, braving the the Peak powerful firepower.
Sometimes war this is a contest of will and spirit,Blue Jays Jerseys, Hit the evening, the guard of three even in Seosan breath repulsed the enemy of five Emergency Hunan small Rui mountains dropped to less than 1500 dead, three injured almost a third of the soldiers .
It was getting dark down, the fighting stopped briefly.
He Zhaobing tired to sit down at the mud on the ground, lit a pipe down, deep suck mouth too cruel, the battle is too cruel, a row of thirty-five brothers, half a day of fierce fighting, the rest of the nineteen some recently and they talked and laughed brother, is now forever closed his eyes.
A wounded soldier struggling to be moved He Zhaobing front: He Zhaobing sucked on her cigarette, swing veteran lesson he said: of Mr. Yang Duyang, said he is the reincarnation of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang, for Shangzhi five hundred years, under the known five hundred years; we are so dead, glorious, Marshal and Mr. Yang did not know it? to our family to send Zhang big red list, although we are dead, can the wife and kids in this life do not have to worry about eating to worry about wear, your kid is also concerned that Han! The wounded soldiers excited authentic: He Zhaobing put out a cigarette, lovingly touched his head: Always act in a calm, case

Sunday, July 8, 2012

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Director of a good word, do not let her fuss, OK? Rambling two people for a long time in the mobile phone side of the wind finally went to the main door of heaven and earth, see here lit, coming and going, on the outside can be heard inside the distinctive rhythm of hot and fierce Di the song sound side wind grow breath, edge adjustment breath, side Down the back, asked: Xiao Qiuer said: , bye,online basketball shoe stores! Side of the wind ends up the phone pocket, underground passage: Side of the wind into the heaven and earth, standing in the doorway of security, although many gave him two, but did not block, he did not care, spent ten dollars for tickets slipped inside voices the rhythm of the music, the countless men and women in crazy twisting the waist, vent hearts restless yu look like an oven in the air mingled with the breath of alcohol, sweat and cheap perfume, smell in the nose , people kind of want to gag impulse.
By later lose out to my money, I do not the hell! indecent man is in disarray in the body of the girl next to take advantage of that a few pretty girls can like I do not know,rock shox air, electric shock-like, jitter body, the eyes of some scattered Look at the appearance of consciousness has been somewhat sober , mostly knock the drug.
Wind side of the heart: bartender yelled: basically all shouting.
Bartender did not speak, pointing upstairs. Side duct sound thanks and walked towards the stairs. The house of heaven and earth is not high, only four, two-story is an ordinary box, on the third floor is the VIP room , is the so-called VIP rooms, four-story room is not much, while the wind heard people say that inside the presidential suite, eat, drink one-stop service, luxury to the extreme.
Side wind thought to himself: , he smiled: up before you give a friend a call, otherwise a lot of trouble! Come near to the side the wind came to understand that the waiter so-called trouble is what it meant, the way to the elevator stood no less than 20 security, all in a black suit, white lining

Friday, July 6, 2012

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The bedroom door, Zhuo Tianyu began a slight release of electricity, have been affected by the circuit of the entire room, lights flashing, when dark.
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