Monday, December 24, 2012

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Hang Hang throat
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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Things here are really not expensive in general, clothes at every turn is thousands of federal currency, not to mention the blinding light shining gemstone jewelry. Here to visit most of the non-rich that is your VIPs, The men all of them are wearing suits, such as Yang Guang, one does not know what brand of casual wear, few people really see.
Of course, Yang Guang is for this reason will know what to shrink feet, Guixingjubu's eyes turn a blind eye, he is still the same investment over those salesperson or the lady of the shopping mall Hawker or surprise or contempt and Ninghai Qin laughing randomly selected clothes now and Ninghai Qin also considered the more familiar the two men, then some, do not want the original is always silent on.
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Their present situation is, everyone's eyes have become a careful heart.
Yang Guang hard cough twice, we got it back, the female salesperson embarrassing continue to busy with their eyes from time to time to the side to peek. Ninghai Qin two laps around him, constantly nodding. mouth murmured, saying something, and then the salesperson excited and said: Yang Guang frown and said: Yang Guang Tao:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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As for the outer ring, one hundred and eight is a relatively small room.
Has a very large room with thirty-six stately door compared to their ordinary door style, and an appearance on a gorgeous rating lower than one level. This strong contrast to I thought of a term that is the aristocracy.
Start from the slave society, the nobility has produced the most privileged class in a society, they always have a lot of the servant of two types of room contrast of this difference, I thought these two types of people.
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Ten million real of the energy shells abruptly disengaged from the inside.
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Monday, July 16, 2012

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It was getting dark down, the fighting stopped briefly.
He Zhaobing tired to sit down at the mud on the ground, lit a pipe down, deep suck mouth too cruel, the battle is too cruel, a row of thirty-five brothers, half a day of fierce fighting, the rest of the nineteen some recently and they talked and laughed brother, is now forever closed his eyes.
A wounded soldier struggling to be moved He Zhaobing front: He Zhaobing sucked on her cigarette, swing veteran lesson he said: of Mr. Yang Duyang, said he is the reincarnation of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang, for Shangzhi five hundred years, under the known five hundred years; we are so dead, glorious, Marshal and Mr. Yang did not know it? to our family to send Zhang big red list, although we are dead, can the wife and kids in this life do not have to worry about eating to worry about wear, your kid is also concerned that Han! The wounded soldiers excited authentic: He Zhaobing put out a cigarette, lovingly touched his head: Always act in a calm, case

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